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Digital Tools

Annotation tools

Name     PDF Reader Pro
Operating system     Popular ones
Available on     Smartphones, tablets and computers
Accessibility requirements     Internet access
Highlights PDF Reader Pro allows users to annotate pdf documents.
Users can convert your pdf docs to PDF to docx/pptx, xlsx.
It has an OCR built-in technology recognizes characters in images or scanned PDF files and convert them into texts

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Click HERE to find out more.


Name     Mendeley
Operating system     Windows, macOS and Linux
Available on     Smartphones, tablets and computers
Accessibility requirements     Internet access
Highlights Mendeley is a reference management software.
It allows you to generate citations, import references, build and access their library everywhere.

Click HERE to find out more.

Name     A.nnotate
Operating system     Popular ones
Available on     Smartphones, tablets and computers
Accessibility requirements     Internet access

A.nnotate is a cloud based annotation tool with free and private storage for notes and documents.
Storage is divided by folders where you decide which where to share or not with peers.
It allows users to search manage their documents based on tag, author and note text.

Click HERE to find out more.

Name     Kami
Operating system     Popular ones
Available on     Smartphones, tablets and computers
Accessibility requirements     Internet access
Highlights Kami is a PDF & document annotation app for schools.
Users can generate signature on pdf files, use the text-to-speech option or correct documents for grading.

upload signaturetext to speech kami

Click HERE to find out more.

Image result for liquidtext logo

Name     LiquidText
Operating system     Popular ones
Available on     Smartphones, tablets and computers
Accessibility requirements     Internet access
Highlights LiquidText allows users to annotate documents on the iPad.
LiquidText is compatible with PDF, Word, and PowerPoint document types.
Users can import document from their favorite cloud storage platform.

Click HERE to find out more.

Name     Xodo
Operating system     Popular ones
Available on     Smartphones, tablets and computers
Accessibility requirements     Internet access
Highlights Xodo allows users edit, annotate, sign, and share PDF documents.
It's available on desktop, mobile, and the web.



Click HERE to find out more.